No. 1 Kodalu is a Zee Telugu popular daily serial highly, one of the most top-rated serials in Zee Channel. The serial cast senior actor Sudha Chandran is the main lead, she is a dynamic actor, Madhumita and Jai Dhanush, Suresh, Kranthi, Rithi, Sakshi Shiva, and Chalapathi Raja. This a family drama story. No. 1 Kodalu telecast on Zee Telugu on 9th December. The serial broadcast every day at 8:00 p.m. While we can watch the online broadcast of the show is available on Zee5’s app.
Sudha Chandran as Vagdevi is a powerful businesswoman. She has many educational institutes. She believes education is very important to everyone’s life. Nonetheless, her life changes, when as unskilled Saraswathi enters her life as a girl in law. Saraswathi shows the significance of affection and satisfaction to Vagdevi.
Sudha Chandran will play the role of Vagdevi. While Saraswathi’s role will play by Madhumitha.No.1 Kodalu also popular stars such as Jai Dhanush, Suresh Kranthi, Rithi, Sakshi Shiva, and Chalapathi. Rajiv Kanakala plays the guest role in this.The serial running successfully completed 173 episodes.
No. 1 Kodalu’ Regular Telecast Timings
Serial Name: No. 1 Kodalu
Starting Date: 9 December 2019
TV Channel: Zee Telugu
Timings: 8 pm
Days: Mon-Sat
Genre: Drama
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